Have you ever dreamt about traveling all around the world when you are grown up?
But actually it is easy to give-up that dream because of busy everyday life or finding a job etc....
Now, it is time to realize that your long -cherished dream can come true.
Take a your backpack out again, Let`s start planning travel with Lucy.

Oops! Are you scared to go abroad by yourself?
Don`t worry. I`m a woman in my 30`s. But I am backpacking all around the world by myself.
I also get nervous before I go, but definitely my heart overflows with joy after I step out there.

Oh! You can`t speak English?
Don`t worry. All of us have two hands and feet, and even a Smartphone translator.
Therer`s more than enough!
Only one more thing you will need: you pretty smile.

Oolala! You don`t have time to take a trip?
Don`t be worried . Take it easy!
You don`t need to take 2~3 months off from work.
It will be also great to go for only 2~3 days as long as you are carrying your backpack.

"26DAYS" is Lucy`s full story of travel to Myanmar and Cambodia for 26Days.
You can chat live with Lucy about Drinks and Foods also the Route and any little things and secrets of Myanmar and Cambodia.

You don`t know what to do first to get ready to go backpacking?
You have no idea how to get set to travel all by yourself?
Are you a woman ready to go abroad alone? Don`t worry at all!
"26DAYS" will always back you up!